Shipment History

1 hrs ago

Your shipment has been successfully delivered to the recipient at Hayahulet. Signed by: Abebe Timestamp: 6:12 AM

2 hrs ago
In Transit

Your parcel is currently in transit, moving through our network. Track its real-time location as it makes its way to the destination. Timestamp: 4:15 AM

2.5 hrs ago

The package has departed from the origin city and is on its way to the destination city. Monitor its progress as it moves through the transit network. Timestamp: 3:36 AM

6 hrs ago
Picked Up

Your package has been successfully picked up from the specified location. It is now en route to our office for processing. Timestamp: 1:36 AM

1 day ago

Your shipment has been successfully booked. It is now in the initial stage of processing, awaiting further actions. Timestamp: 4:39 AM